800 Calories Keto
Looking for results and keto-style eating? You’ve come to the right place. But this is not your average keto diet. This uber-popular 7-day plan incorporates low carbs, high protein, healthy fats and 800-1000 calories per day. It’s designed to help you enter the fat burning mode while suppressing hunger. With this plan, intermittent fasting is optional but will accelerate your results. If you add the fasting, then ensure you eat all the food provided within an 8-12 hour time window. We also offer a standard 800 Calorie Plan here.
As a rapid weight loss plan, the 800 Calorie diet is suggested for short term use (2 - 12 weeks). You can then move onto a more sustainable plan for steady, ongoing weight loss. See our Stage 2 Moderate Weight Loss page for more info.
Learn more about the 800 calorie keto diet from this blog post: Combine the 800 Calorie Diet with Keto for amazing results!
-This menu is a guide; meals do occasionally change without notice due to availability and season, which can impact macros. Please note that for our 800 Calorie Keto Diet plans we aim for between 800-1000 calories on average per day but there may be variations from day to day. Seek advice from your doctor before embarking on a weight loss program.