Zoe Bingley-Pullin: Kick start weight loss for your Summer body

Have you heard the expression ‘Summer bodies are made in Winter’? With Spring in the air and Summer not too far away, now is definitely the time to get your act together if you have health and weight loss goals to achieve!
In this article, I will take you through a few strategies to get you on track for Summer. Firstly, I focus on salads, why they make top weight loss meals and tips for creating a great salad. For those that are looking for more support with weight loss (and less cooking!), I’ll explore some of the options available that can help you achieve results before Summer arrives.
5 good reasons salads are a go-to weight loss meal
If you’re wondering how to get that Summer body, salads are a good solution. Anyone can make a salad, there are so many ingredients you can include for variety and plenty of opportunity to get creative. To convince you further, here are my 5 top reasons why you should include more salads in your diet before and during Summer.
- Reach your daily fruit & veg recommended intake. The guidelines say we should aim for 5 servings of vegetables and 2 of fruit per day, but most Australians aren’t hitting that target.
- Salads are high in fibre. Did you know that fibre can help you feel fuller, eat less, be more regular and lower your cholesterol?
- Salads are choc-full of antioxidants, phytochemicals & enzymes. Eating lots of dark leafy greens and multi-coloured veges gives your body a good dose of all sorts of plant nutrients that promote health, combat disease and clear toxins. Raw ingredients also contain live enzymes that assist digestion. A mix of raw and cooked foods in your diet is ideal.
- Absorb even more nutrients (if you team your salad with good fats). Scientists have found the phytochemicals and other nutrients in salads are better absorbed when fat plays a role in the digestion. See below for tips and how to avoid common salad mistakes.
- Salads are low in calories. It’s obvious really, but if you’re on a diet or just want to feel less bloated, salads are brilliant for your digestive system and light on the hips. In fact, salad ingredients are generally so low in calories yet have a high water content and this means you can achieve satiety on few calories. Don’t believe me? See the calorie comparison below.
Salads are great for weight loss & these calorie comparisons prove it!
Common salad mistakes & how to get it right
Although salads can be one of the most highly nutritious meals around, they can also be a disaster. Make sure you don’t make the following salad blunders!
X Salad Fail 1 - Loaded with creamy dressing. Too high in calories.
→ Opt for a lighter extra virgin olive oil and vinegar dressing, and just a sprinkle of any fatty ingredients such as nuts, seeds, croutons or cheese on top as a treat.
X Salad Fail 2 - Lacking in protein. Will leave you starving and craving ‘bad stuff’ within the hour.
→ Protein is vital to keep you satisfied. Good choices are lean meat or fish; feta, halloumi or cottage cheese; egg; chickpeas, lentils or tofu. Keep the emphasis on the veges so you don’t go overboard on calories.
X Salad Fail 3 - Lacking in good fat. You won’t absorb nearly as many vitamins and phytochemicals.
→ Include some healthy fats such as extra olive oil dressing, avocado, nuts and seeds. Go easy if you’re watching your weight.
Lacking inspiration or time to make your own salads? Dietlicious has a great range of home delivered salads. They are super nutritious, balanced and delicious and will have you well on your way to kick starting your weight loss for Summer.
Want faster results? Why not try a Cleanse or Plan?
If you really want to fire up your weight loss and healthy eating, a Dietlicious Cleanse or Meal Plan may be just what you need. Their short-term healthy food Cleanse will detox and revitalise, you’ll be amazed at the results! It’s all about clean eating and ridding the body of processed foods. That’s why hard-to-digest foods like red meat, gluten, dairy and sugar are excluded. Cut out caffeine and alcohol too and it’s the perfect launch pad for a healthier future. A cleanse is one of the best ways to kick start weight loss prior to Summer.
A set calorie Meal Plan is another great option which can provide better results than trying to cook and manage your own food intake. That’s because all the hard work is done for you – good nutrition, balanced macros, tasty and satisfying, low calorie meals. For the medium or longer term, a Meal Plan is one of the easiest ways to lose weight.