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Healthy Salmon Salad in under 10 minutes

Healthy Salmon Salad in under 10 minutes

This dish shows the versatility of our Salmon Chermoulal. Not just a complete meal for one, it can easily be turned into a scrumptious healthy salmon salad for two. The beauty of this salad is that the hard work has already been done for you! It’s also completely flexible - you can easily substitute any ingredients you don’t have and add the optional extras as you see fit.

The hero ingredient is the Salmon that has been marinaded in chermoula, a tasty mix of mint, coriander, lemon and chilli.

All you need to do is add in some additional greens to build a salmon salad base and throw in any leftovers you can find in your fridge or anything interesting you can sprinkle on top. Your guests are sure to be impressed with the result and won’t know that you took some short cuts!


Note: these quantities will make a salad to serve 2 people. Just double or triple the quantities to make a larger salad.

1 Salmon Chermoula
¼ Cos lettuce
1 stem shallots, sliced
½ avocado, diced
½ Lebanese cucumber, diced
Semi dried tomatoes, sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 teaspoons lemon juice or wine vinegar

Optional extras

Roasted potato
Sesame seeds
Shaved Parmesan
Pomegranate seeds
Dried cranberries


  1. For the salad base, take the Cos lettuce, shallots, avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, and any other leftovers you want to add.
  2. Cook the salmon either by baking in oven at 180c degrees Celsius for 6 minutes, or by panfrying 1-2 minutes each side. Rest.
  3. Flake the salmon and scatter over top of salad.
  4. For the dressing, mix the olive oil and lemon juice/wine vinegar. You can add a little mustard or honey too.
  5. Sprinkle with walnuts (or any other nuts/seeds, dried berries or cheese).
  6. Pour over salad dressing and serve.
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