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Food Swaps - Don’t be afraid to make the trade!

Food Swaps - Don’t be afraid to make the trade!

Learning the art of healthy food swaps is so important if you want to establish a healthy body weight and maintain it for life. Here we show you how.

Firstly, what exactly do we mean by food swaps? Well, it’s simply choosing a more nutritious or lower calorie meal or snack option rather than going for the most tempting, heavily laden with fat and sugar, nutrition-less version.

In its simplest form, food swaps are about bringing more vegetables and fruits into your diet while saying goodbye to high calorie or heavily processed foods with little to no nutritional value.

For example, it can be as simple as choosing baked potato over french fries or a piece of whole fruit over a fruit juice.  These little switches can really add up over the course of a day or a week to have a big impact.  Making the right food choices can ultimately make the difference between a healthy body weight or an unhealthy one.  The best news is that you don’t have to starve – don’t stop it, just swap it!

Here’s a list of our favourite food swaps to help you switch without a hitch!

- Swap Soft drink for mineral water

Swap Sugar for stevia

Swap Café Latte for Ginger Tea

Swap White bread for wholegrain bread

Swap Sugary breakfast cereal for Blueberry + Coconut Muesli or Acai + Coconut Muesli

Swap Bacon & Egg Roll for Breakfast Frittata

Swap Cheddar cheese for cottage cheese

Swap Crackers and dip for Vegetable crudités and home-made dip

Swap Salty snacks for Tamari Almonds

Swap Spaghetti for vegetable spirals

Swap White rice for cauliflower rice

Swap Roast Beef & Gravy for Beef Bourguignon

Swap Battered or crumbed fish for Ocean Trout w Honey Mustard Pean Crust

Swap Meat & Cheese Burrito for Bombay Burrito

Swap Hamburger for Vegetable & Lentil Burger

Swap BBQ sauce for mustard

Swap Creamy pasta for tomato based pasta sauces

Swap Asian takeaway for Salmon Teriyaki

Swap Indian takeaway for Indian Vegetable Curry w Chickpeas

Swap Ice cream for blended frozen banana or berries

Swap Chocolate biscuits for Raw Choc Ball

Swap Cake for Salted Toffee Ball

To boost your chances of success, planning ahead is important.  Healthy food swapping doesn’t happen by itself, you need to have healthier alternatives on hand to prevent you reaching for something unhealthy.

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