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Benefits of Broccoli

Benefits of Broccoli

Benefits of Broccoli

Over the years we’ve been continually impressed with the versatility of broccoli, so thought we’d share a few interesting facts about this tasty green ….

Did you know one cup of broccoli provides:

- 245% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of Vitamin K, which is essential for building strong bones, clotting blood and preventing heart disease.

- 135% of your RDI of Vitamin C, which helps your body to grow and heal as well as being a powerful antioxidant.

- 52% of your RDI of Chromium, a mineral that aids your body to regulate blood sugar.

- 21% of your RDI of Fibre, promoting a healthy digestive system.

The nutrition packed veg is the perfect way to up your intake of vitamins and minerals, so eat up!

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